Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Giants This Offseason

After a sub-par 2007 season, there are definitely changes that the Giants need to make this off-season. What changes do you think the Giants should make to their roster? What free agents should they sign, who on their team should they keep and who should they get rid of? Comment with your input.


Karen said...

I think the Giants should end up with a pretty good record this year if they can get some good relief pitchers and a middle of the order slugger. They should think about making a deal with the Colorado Rockies, who have good quality relief pitchers like Jeremy Affeldt or Brian Fuentes. A good middle of the order slugger would be Morgan Ensberg or Milton Bradely. With plenty of young pitchers, there are a couple that we don't particuarly need. Other teams might be interested in Patrick Misch, Jonathan Sanchez, or Kevin Correia. Noah Lowry, Matt Cain, and Tim Lincecum are important young pitchers that the Giants should continue to develop. Kevin Frandsen, Fred Lewis, and Nate Schierholtz are imortant young hitters that will develop into key players. Not only is Omar Vizquel a very important veteran that can help the youngsters progress, but he is also a great fielder.

mr_long said...

hey ken: i don't pretend to know anything about the giants, or about baseball in general, but i sure love going to games at pac-bell park. does that count for anything?

Pazzypatrick said...


The Great One said...

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA your sister is hilarious because she knows so much about baseball. She probably knows more than me, and i agree with her.

Victor said...

Hey ken I also like the giants but did you hear about Barry bonds going to court for some reason